
Fink Hill Junction Improvement Scheme


Fink Hill Junction Improvement Scheme

The Fink Hill junction is located between the A65 New Road Side (Horsforth Roundabout) and Low Lane Roundabout on the A6120 Ring Road, northwest of Leeds. The junction sits adjacent to a Grade 2 Listed War Memorial which is of great historical importance to the local Horsforth area. The A6120 Ring Road is the main route for traffic through the area, and the Fink Hill junction is a key route from the Ring Road into Horsforth. However, the four-arm signal-controlled junction currently has poor pedestrian facilities, with no formal crossings on Fink Hill, Parkside or A6120 (W). In addition, the junction experiences high volumes of traffic which leads to delayed movements on the Ring Road which provides a key route into the city centre.

Further information on the current issues at this location, background to the proposals and related local information can be found on the "about the project" page. This page contains further information to explain our proposals for Fink Hill and the expected benefits and impacts of the scheme. Scheme plans and frequently asked questions can be downloaded by scrolling to the bottom of the page. Once you have read the information please let us know what you think by completing the questions at the foot of this page.


The proposed improvement scheme would:

  • Improve the road layout for traffic on the approach to Horsforth Roundabout, reducing congestion and improving safety and efficiency.
  • Improve pedestrian and cycle facilities to enhance safety and reduce community severance.
  • Reduce queuing and delay to traffic using the A6120 Ring Road.
  • Allow flexibility so that improvements to other adjacent junctions can go forward.
  • The proposals can be seen in the video and the plans below. They include the following changes:

  • The introduction of signalised pedestrian crossing facilities on all arms of the Fink Hill Junction to improve safety.
  • Provision of cycle lanes on the north and south side of the Ring Road between Horsforth Roundabout and Fink Hill, including a section through Horsforth Hall Park. Provision of a bi-directional cycle lane on the southern side of the Ring Road from Fink Hill east. Crossing facilities and signposts for cyclists will be provided.
  • Road widening to the north between Horsforth Roundabout and Fink Hill to improve safety by providing two lanes in both directions, with a left turn lane on the approach to the Fink Hill junction, formalising the current practice.
  • The eastbound bus stop immediately west of Fink Hill removed to improve junction layout.
  • Park Side will become left in / left out only, to improve junction efficiency.
  • The approach to the Ring Road along Fink Hill to be formalised to two lanes.
  • Provide two lanes in each direction between Fink Hill and Charles Street, with a right turn lane for vehicles traveling from the Ring Road into Fink Hill to prevent vehicles blocking those travelling straight ahead. Widening into the verge on both the north and south.
  • Rose Terrace to be left turn out only, this will remove the conflict with right turning vehicles into Rose Terrace.
  • Widening into verge to provide bus lay-bys in both directions at Featherbank Lane to prevent buses blocking other traffic.
  • Video showing what the road could look like if the scheme is delivered.

    Plan 1: Horsforth Roundabout to Horsforth Hall Park

    Plan 2: Horsforth Hall Park to Featherbank Lane

    Plan 3: Featherbank Lane to Stanhope Drive

    Plan 4: Horforth Hall Park (North) - potential area for additional planting

    Anticipated benefits

    It is envisaged that if the proposals are implemented the scheme will provide the following benefits:

  • Improve pedestrian and cycle safety.
  • Improve pedestrian and cycle connectivity north and south of the A6120 Ring Road.
  • Improve safety and efficiency on the approach to Horsforth Roundabout, while reducing traffic queueing.
  • Improve journey time reliability in the locality.
  • Reduce congestion and allow smoother flow of traffic, which will lead to improved air quality.
  • Improve landscaping on the eastern part of the scheme.
  • Impacts

    If the scheme is implemented the impacts are likely to be:

  • Loss of approximately 36 trees, though we are working to reduce this number and will plant at least three trees for any one removed.
  • People that currently turn right from Park Side or Rose Terrace will need to choose different routes. There are a number of alternative routes available.
  • Eastbound traffic on the Ring Road that would have accessed Park Side will need to take a different route.
  • Some passengers may need to walk further to a bus stop to travel east or north into Horsforth. Alternative stops are 160m north east or 200m west.
  • Environment - further information

    We have undertaken environmental surveys as part of the development of our plans and the scheme has been designed to minimise effects on the environment. An Environmental Impact Assessment will be undertaken to understand the impacts that the scheme will have on the environment both during construction and once complete.

    The proposed widening will result in the loss of 36 trees. Through the design process we have reduced the number of impacted trees and will continue working to further reduce the number of trees to be lost. Where tree loss is unavoidable we will plant at least three semi-mature trees for any tree lost.

    It is proposed that replacement tree planting could take place in the following locations:

  • Tree planting and new shrubs on the north side of the A6120 Ring Road between Horsforth Roundabout and Fink Hill.
  • Fill in gaps with tree planting and new shrubs on the south side of the A6120 Ring Road between Horsforth Roundabout and Fink Hill.
  • Additional trees in the southern verge of the A6120 Ring Road to the east of Fink Hill where there are currently limited or no trees.
  • Additional tree planting around the new skate park in the south part of Horsforth Hall Park.
  • Tree planting in the northwest section of Horsforth Hall Park.
  • Possible additional planting area identified along the north verge of the A6120 Ring Road.
  • We are working with the local community and a tree specialist to establish where memorial trees are located. If any are impacted we would work

    to agree replanting in the vicinity and support a community rededication service.

    Once complete the scheme will offer improved pedestrian and cycle routes. These new linkages will help encourage use of these sustainable modes of travel in the community which could contribute to a reduction in local vehicle use. It is anticipated the smoothing of traffic flows will help reduce air pollution.

    Option development process

    We have considered several options to address the issues at this location. The design we are seeking feedback on has been through several versions in order to minimise any impacts while delivering the best possible outcome for the local community and those travelling through the junction.

    We have rejected other options which would have provided improvements to traffic flow by widening both sides of the Ring Road between Horsforth Roundabout and Fink Hill. These options would have resulted in the loss of 47 trees, 11 more than the current proposal. The current design limits the widening to the north side only of the A6120 Ring Road. This reduces tree loss overall and allows the retention of trees on the south verge which screen the road from properties. There is existing tree cover to the north within Horsforth Hall Park and further planting of trees is proposed on the north side of the road and around the skate park area, which will avoid changing the character of the local area.

    Our proposed option also retains trees by directing the proposed cycle facility through Horsforth Hall park rather than along the edge of the road, The proposed route through the park has been discussed with local stakeholders including our Parks and Countryside team who support the cycle path running through the park and linking with the proposed new skate park facility within Horsforth Hall Park which is being delivered as part of a separate project.

    Have your say

    Please let us know what you think of our plans by completing the questions below the additional materials. If you have further questions take a look at the frequently asked questions attached or contact the team at connectingleeds@leeds.gov.uk .

    Subject to the feedback received from this consultation, the ongoing design process, and approvals from Leeds City Council and West Yorkshire Combined Authority, it is envisaged that further work will take place during 2020. A planning application and associated documents, including the Environmental Impact Assessment, will be required before work can start. If the planning application is successful it is envisaged the scheme will commence on site in early 2021. Construction is likely to take 9 – 12 months.

    Additional materials

    Plan 1
    Plan 1
    Plan 2
    Plan 2
    Plan 3
    Plan 3
    Plan 4: Horsforth Hall Park (North) - potential area for additional planting
    Plan 4: Horsforth Hall Park (North) - potential area for additional planting
    Connecting Leeds Fink Hill FAQs
    Connecting Leeds Fink Hill FAQs

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